Application Security Testing

Identify and Defend Against Cybersecurity Risks to Your Web Applications

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Federal and third-party hosted web applications make up a critical and indispensable part of the U.S. government’s IT infrastructure and operations. For hackers and malicious insiders, these repositories (and the sensitive data they host) are prime targets for adversaries to exploit known and undetected vulnerabilities to launch a cyber attack to seize valuable data and disrupt operations to impede missions.

Kratos helps customers identify web application weaknesses and vulnerabilities and recommends mitigations to defend against threats. Traditional network security defenses such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption can help defend systems, but are not sufficient by themselves to combat against today’s sophisticated web-based attacks.

Kratos’ cybersecurity experts help to ensure the most comprehensive application security assessment possible through manual code reviews assisted by best-in-class automated scanning tools. Kratos performs security assessments and ongoing audits for an organization’s web applications and helps an organization develop and maintain a strong security posture.

We provide a thorough security analysis of source code, combining software security expertise with extensive software development experience. Kratos’ service uncovers vulnerabilities in code and violations of secure programming best practices to uncover backdoors and identify poor input validation, unchecked buffers, and session strength, among other weaknesses.

Benefits of Secure Web Applications

  • Mitigate cybersecurity risk by reviewing software security and reliability
  • Identify weaknesses within an organization’s software development life cycle to improve the quality of its software
  • Raise the level of an organization’s engineering team’s awareness of application security best practices
  • Prevent application downtime and improve productivity
  • Quickly identify and prioritize vulnerabilities before they are exploited

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